

Weekend Show – Jesse Felder & Peter Boockvar – Just How Stable Are Markets & The Economy? A Deep Dive Into Market Trends And Data

October 19, 2024



Welcome to another KE Report Weekend Show! On the show this week we are taking a step back from the day to day and weekly movements in markets to get two somewhat differing opinions on the overall health of the US markets and US economy.


We hope you all enjoy this weekend’s show! Please be sure to subscribe to the podcast in your podcast player by searching The KE Report. If you listen on Spotify click this link:


  • Segment 1 & 2 – Jesse Felder, Editor of The Felder Report – Key topics include central bank policies, inflation, interest rates, and potential stagflation.
  • Click here to learn more about The Felder Report.

  • Segment 1 and 2 – Peter Boockvar, Chief Investment Officer Bleakley Financial Group and Editor of The Boock Report on Substack: sector health in the U.S. economy, inflation outlook, shifting focus from major tech stocks to value sectors such as healthcare, REITs, and precious metals.  Peter provides a bullish outlook on the energy sector, especially oil, natural gas, and uranium, and shares his views on cryptocurrency markets.
  • Click here to follow Peter at The Boock Report. 


Jesse Felder
Peter Boockvar
    Oct 19, 2024 19:43 AM

    I just listened to Kerry Lutz interview John Rubino, we live in a World that has gone from the three S’s to the three G’s, God, Guns, and Gold. Economic matters are taking a backseat to geopolitical issues. Our species is being challenged on so many fronts, we are our worst enemies. I know it is time to repeat those words from a John Lennon song during The Vietnam War, “All we are saying is give peace a chance”. How simple a message but at no other time in the history of the World have we needed to pay more attention to those words. DT

      Oct 19, 2024 19:50 AM

      “All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance! John Lennon DT 😉

      Oct 19, 2024 19:26 AM

      Couldn’t agree more DT. Unfortunately we seem to be getting farther from peace all the time.

        Oct 19, 2024 19:35 AM

        Hi Charles, at least you are aware of what is going on. People don’t protest anymore like they did during The Vietnam War because we don’t have a stable economy and the public is scared. In the 1960’s you could fall out of bed, get a good paying job the next day, buy a home and support a family on one income. DT

          Oct 19, 2024 19:41 PM

          True. Job and financial security are very present. My dad worked for the same company for 45 years. That was the rule in his generation. Seems very much the exception now.

    Oct 19, 2024 19:50 AM

    Great show. What a week. Friday was fun. All but a few of my resource stocks were up. I doubled up on West Red Lake at the open yesterday given the significant drop. Nice bill hammer candle at the close!

      Oct 19, 2024 19:45 AM

      Hang in there Charles. West Red Lake had a big financing and expanded share count. Algos sell as they are not programmed for long term thinking … only the moment for a quick buck.

        Oct 19, 2024 19:19 AM

        We are hanging tough Lakedweller. Now is certainly not a time to be selling precious metals.

          Oct 19, 2024 19:13 PM

          Hey, guys; just for your information, the monthly chart for wrlgf doesn’t look very promising right now.

          Oct 19, 2024 19:29 PM

          The Lassonde Curve might apply to this stock currently

            Oct 19, 2024 19:43 PM

            Thanks for your thoughts Richard. It is a pretty small position so not to concerned, but I will keep an eye on it and take a closer look at the monthly.

            Oct 20, 2024 20:22 PM

            Hi Richard. I see your point. How far down do you see it going? Down to the lower bollinger band on monthly or the 50 month moving average?

            Oct 20, 2024 20:28 PM

            Charles, I believe you’ll see a $.40 on the stock and if the monthly MACD bottoms there, you’ll probably be okay unless it decides to take out the low at the lower BB.

    Oct 19, 2024 19:53 AM

    True DT, and the americans and vassals push for war, lets hope Putin and company can continue to out maneuver them.

    On an interesting note, metals moved up a bit.

    Obviously wont mean a thing if the neocons have their way.

    Oct 19, 2024 19:13 AM

    Get the popcorn ready….. the normies will not know what to make of it…. 🙂

    Oct 19, 2024 19:18 AM

    This is for all you Sitka investors or wannabes, at 19:11 Bob M talks about Sitka Gold Corp. (SIG) He likes it a lot, he believes that Sitka could have a 10 to 30 million gold ounce deposit, he says this system is much like Snowline only better. Next week I am anticipating they will have the assays back for hole #68, don’t get excited I didn’t say #69, but it will be very interesting to see how all that visible gold translates into gram ton per meters. Even if it is a long intercept at 1.5 G/T that will be great anymore will be icing on the cake, remember this hole was drilled down 700 meters and it ended in mineralization. As investors we could be in for a wild ride. I own shares of Sitka, as always DYODD. DT 😜

    Oct 19, 2024 19:55 AM

    I lost faith in the PM story a while ago, never bought the low, so I own no miners. I’m still expecting a market correction which will take the miners down and maybe will buy then.
    I own Shenzhen stocks bought at good prices and doing good there.
    See what happens in Sydney on Monday AM.

      Oct 20, 2024 20:25 AM

      I have a mutual fund account where I transferred some to a China fund last week. I had been holding a US Long/Short Fund, Frontier and Emerging Markets and India but took a little from a couple of those for stepping into China after their bailout. Friday was a good day. I have some miner mutual funds that are starting to get off the bottom but the above mentioned funds have done better being away from Western Markets.

    Oct 19, 2024 19:41 PM

    The year is 1929 the date is Tuesday October 22nd, the stock market had been falling for about 6 weeks. That morning the expected recovery did not come; it seemed to be beginning but during the last hour of trading all the gains made during the day were largely lost.

    On Wednesday, the 23rd, there was a perfect Niagara Falls liquidation. Every trader realized that an unprecedented number of margin calls must be on their way to margined traders. The situation at last was getting serious.

    The next day was Thursday, October 24th. CRASH! The day an economic shot was heard around the World.

    Could it happen again, with all The Black Swans flying around it would only take one. DT

      Oct 19, 2024 19:09 PM

      Hello DT. It’s not could it happen again, it’s when will it happen again ….. IMO… sooner than most think.

        Oct 19, 2024 19:33 PM

        “This Is Illegal”: British Labour Party Sending Staff To Campaign For Kamala In Swing States
        Tyler Durden’s Photo
        SATURDAY, OCT 19, 2024 – 08:10 AM
        The Head of Operations of the leftist British Labour Party, which is now in government after 14 years of being the opposition, declared in a LinkedIn post that she is organising a party of 100 staff members to be sent to swing states in the US to campaign for Kamala Harris, prompting charges of election interference.

    Oct 19, 2024 19:46 PM
    NatGas Week : Trading Range or Breakout?
    Silver : Dollar Index

    Oct 19, 2024 19:04 PM

    “What if interest rates are both too low and too high?”

    I think we get more of that excremental growth…you always hurt the one you love with that excremental growth.

    Oct 20, 2024 20:52 AM

    WRLG will get re-rated higher in the near future but there is still a lot of stigma left around the failure of Pure Gold Mining to operate The Madsen Mine. There is a lot of bad management out there but once in a while you get someone who can do the job properly and look after the shareholders as well. This is what makes these stocks very hard to play. Take Victoria Gold, Sitka’s deal to acquire the Clear Creek Property happened one day before Victoria Gold, s mine disaster. Sitka was lucky they got their property consolidation just in the nick of time. One day later and the deal would not have gone through. That is a big deal for investors in Sitka. DT

    Oct 20, 2024 20:01 PM

    Year over Year Silver is now the big winner that has only happened this week. Silver jumped 8.17% and gold 2.73% weekly. Silver is now up +47% YOY, gold +38% and copper+21.64%.

    Silver has put on its dancing shoes! WATCH OUT!!
    Palladium is down -3.48% YOY and Platinum is up +13.86% YOY! DT

      Oct 20, 2024 20:55 PM

      Silver has been, at the very least, a ‘tell’ for quite awhile.

      Oct 21, 2024 21:41 AM

      GOOD POINTS……… DT…….

      Anyone got a comparison for gold and silver over a 5 yr. period….

    Oct 20, 2024 20:45 PM

    Tucker Carlson Interviews Elon Musk, NEW- wide ranging subjects on what they see happening in America. DT

      Oct 21, 2024 21:59 AM

      Here’s a clip from that interview that proves only imbeciles believe the left is healthier for democracy. Not that those with functioning brains needed anymore proof.

      Oct 21, 2024 21:25 AM

      Musk has a serious problem brewing with “buying voters” as it is against Federal Law. But what does he care … law is for serfs.

        Oct 21, 2024 21:11 AM

        But of course you have no problem at all with lawless California making it illegal to check voter IDs or the BH regime flooding swing states with “immigrants” OR Biden/Harris giving the military the ok to use lethal force on US citizens. You are irreparably and laughably biased if you believe the big Ds are less lawless and more constitutional than the Republicans.
        A picture’s worth a thousand words:

        It’s real interesting that you don’t bat an eye at the massive censorship that has grown up around us during the BH administration.

          23 hours ago

          Not concerned until it becomes factual. It isn’t yet but Trump has been vocal about using The Active Military against the citizens. The Federal Statute has existed for a long time that politicians cannot buy votes. What is currently “legal” is the wealthy and Corporations being able to buy the votes of politicians through Citizen’s United (5 conservative votes vs 4 liberal Justices). That is why we are in a mess with all these false narratives to distract the voter from truth.

    Oct 21, 2024 21:56 AM

    Silver $34.17………. Monday US….. new ballgame…… off to the races…. $49…easy target now…JMO
    Cup and handle thinking…. 🙂
    Have a great one….. 🙂

    Oct 21, 2024 21:23 AM

    Thanks for copper list Ex. Got it copied and look forward to picking my favs out of the list

    Well Matthew. Guess we will see where impact and Kootenay can go in this breakout. I’m seeing $38 silver for this run possibly and then go from there.

    Exciting times for commodity stock holders but I’m still nervous. Election looming and have no idea who will win and how markets will react.

    DT. My PP point was that I’ll believe it when it happens. Show me the last PM who actually followed through on all their main platform promises…..and a too close to call election in bc. Interesting times.

      Oct 21, 2024 21:04 AM

      Hi Wolfster, what bothers me in these coming elections are the Dominion Voting Machines made in China, just the fact that they would call them Dominion makes my head swirl. A.I. has turned us into programmed idiots and now A.I. machines are deciding who will be the head clown of programmed idiots! LOL! DT

    Oct 21, 2024 21:39 AM

    Swapped some West Red Lake into Sitka on today’s drill results.

    Oct 21, 2024 21:27 AM

    Dominion has already won major law suits against those making provable false statements. Looks like more suits coming.

      Oct 21, 2024 21:38 AM

      DOJ and Courts are a PROBLEM……. at this time…. in the opinion of some …
      might want to listen to MIKE GILL…

      “There is a plot in the country to enslave every man woman and child. Before I leave this high & noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”
      – President JFK November 1962

        Oct 21, 2024 21:10 AM

        Somehow reminds me of LBJ’s statement in private before signing the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Something about a certain ethnic group voting Democrat for the next 200 years.

          Oct 21, 2024 21:14 AM

          Good one…..

            17 hours ago

            LBJ had hard-nosed, hard core political fixes day to day, but he was clueless about the future. At the rate the Dementocrats have been going, highly unlikely what’s left of this constitutional republic will last the remaining 160 years since he made that statement.

            LBJ only lasted 64 years himself. He was criminally insane.

      Oct 21, 2024 21:39 PM

      Unfortunately for the conspiracy crowd, the legal system is not quite as infected as the politicians and corporate criminals. Obviously some at the SCOTUS have succumbed, but their World Travel may be slowing and their support of big money and corporations may have to become less obvious….

        21 hours ago

        I can not agree with you… on the legal system…..
        Barr and Mueller and Comey come to mind…. 🙂

          16 hours ago

          Those are individual actors responsible for investigative matters. Although they were in key supervisory positions, the investigations have to stand on their own merit before Grand Juries which are working on probable cause (knowing if they vote on indictment, the prosecuting attorneys have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt). If they feel the case is weak they can “ no bill” it or send it back for more investigation. If they “true bill” it, it is assigned to Judge and both sides are allowed to submit Motions on various issues or evidence that may be disputed and will be dealt with “pretrial”. If a Judge makes a legal error it can be disputed. If an indictment is in error, it can be dismissed and returned to Grand Jury. If evidence is suppressed, it can’t be used at trial. Jurors are selected for the pool by established procedures that are established by rules normally set state wide for random selection from eligible voters like citizenship and residency. During Jury selection, neither side can eliminate a juror for race, religion, age, education etc without a specific reason which post selection or elimination can be challenged by either side and the Court can restore the person to the jury before trial. Abuse can result in a new pool of jurors and sanction to the attorney and a new jury selected. Once a Jury is empaneled and sworn then the defendant can at the end of the Prosecutors presentation of evidence ask for a Directed Verdict for the State’s failure to prove a prima facia case. The Judge must grant or deny. At the end of the evidence, the Judge charges on the applicable law. The jury goes to the jury room and takes all the evidence and see if it fits the charge/s under the law. They must reach a unanimous verdict as to guilt or not guilty … anything less is a mistrial and the process starts over from the point of indictment. If any one messes with the jury or tries to influence a jury, they can be charged criminally. If a juror is influenced by someone like a bribe or other person other than the court and attorneys during the trial process, like Court Security, a janitor or someone’s mother than failure to report it could result in criminal action against all. The jury process is secret and no one can interfere with the process except the Judge to see if they need to go to lunch or home or need to be charged on the law. The Judge can not comment on the facts of the case or offer opinions. The Judge can clarify the law with examples but not with facts from the current case. The Defendant has a right to appeal everything that happened during trial if found guilty. If found not guilty, the State has no right to appeal. It would be double jeopardy to try the Defendant again on the same charges, based on the same evidence. In some cases there is joint jurisdiction on the same offense like murder is both a Federal and State crime. It is rare for both to try the same case.
          With all those controls placed on Trials, it is practically impossible to form a conspiracy among all those independent players with different motivations. It is not impossible for politicians to be bought under Citizens United and vote for legislation favorable to corporations. It is easy for a member of the Supreme Court to take financial favors, not report them and vote favorably for the interested party. It is easy for one party in Congress to not bring bills to the floor or vote in total and block a minority party proposal. All that can be done consistent with large donors not limited through Citizens United. The Department of Justice has Statutory restrictions concerning misconduct concerning evidence, witnesses, exculpatory evidence etc as do Judges other than Justices of the Supreme Court who have no Statutory controls or Rules of Ethics. Law enforcement also has restrictions. The real glitch in the system is Congress who are the Law Makers who can be influenced by contributions and special interest lobbying resulting in “special interest laws or deregulation” and the Supreme Court which has no controls except the expected highest degree of honesty, ethics, morals, unpolitical, non-prejudice, unbiased etc which has proven to misplaced and written standards need to be put in place.

            12 hours ago

            GOBBLYGOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! DT 🤣

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